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Tung plasmará reflexiones y pensamientos personales con el fin de que amigos, amigas y familiares puedan participar, responder y discutir lo que se tercie.

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  • Atardecer insuperable, una inmensa bola naranja se...
  • Estoy esperando a Gandalf que me venga a buscar el...
  • No se salva ni la barbacoa, que a pesar de tener r...
  • Ésta foto es para mostrar que el espesor de nieve ...
  • Una panormámica más de la nieveFOTO

  • Tung & The Meaning of Life


    Avenue D - 2D2F Lyrics

    You know the scene, we be dancing all night your dick's getting hard and my pussy's tight
    pull me to the bathroom and you're teasin' me, but I wanna go home so you could be pleasin' me
    it's getting hot, you're ready to go say goodbye head out the door
    DJ says, "stay one more song" gives you more fucking tickets to get your drink on
    you go back to the bar, start pounding old E
    should be home by now, should be pounding ME

    Don't get too drunk to fuck tonight
    -you've got to get it up
    Don't get too drunk to fuck tonight
    -if you want to get it in
    Don't get too drunk to fuck tonight
    we get home, I get hot
    you pass out, sucks a lot

    way to go shithead, you did it again
    now I'm stuck with my fingers and a ballpoint pen
    you talked a lot of shit, acted like a pimp
    but I come home with you and what? it's limp
    drinking mickey's, st.ides, high life, corona
    what good is it if you can't pop a boner
    I don't care if you can't come
    but it better be hard until I'm done
    I wanted hot beef, I got a cold noodle
    I wanted slap and tickle, but I got flapdoodled

    I like to party, like to get fucked up, but I'd rather spend the night face down ass up
    let's leave while your weenie's still working
    cuz I don't want to spend the whole night jerking
    spill your drink on me and you're covered in sweat, boy that ain't the way to get me wet
    don't come to my house to puke in my toilet, don't sleep in my bed just to soil it
    don't pass out goin' down on me
    or I'll wake you up with a mouthfull of pee


    12:09 p. m.


    Blogger Dave said...


    escuchad la sesion de DJ KiCKS de Erlend Oye

    9:57 a. m.

    Anonymous Anónimo said...

    Hey allí el Luiggi, CONOCIDO buscaba una experiencia
    educativa del blog en descargar y encontré su
    blog-sitio. el this post no es exactamente para lo que
    buscaba pero consiguió mi e interés. Ahora sé porqué
    encontré su blog-sitio excelente cuando buscaba la
    información relacionada descargar y estoy alegre yo
    lo hice aunque su no un hallazgo exacto. Gran poste
    informativo, gracias por la experiencia leída y

    12:59 a. m.

    Anonymous Anónimo said...

    Hi Luiggi, CONOCIDO que estoy practicando surf hoy
    para una buena experiencia del blog en bajar canciones y
    encontré su gran sitio. El this post no era
    exactamente lo que lo buscaba recibí mi atención e
    interés. Ahora veo porqué encontré su Web site
    inventivo cuando buscaba para la información
    relacionada bajar canciones y estoy alegre yo encontré su
    sitio aunque su no un hallazgo exacto. Poste
    excelente, gracias por leído.

    2:17 a. m.

    Anonymous Anónimo said...


    Take me out tonight
    'Cos I wanna see people who are young and alive
    Driving in your car, oh, please don't drop me home
    Because it's not my home, it's their home
    And I'm welcome no more
    Take me out tonight
    Take me anywhere, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
    Just driving in your car, oh, please don't drop me home
    Because it's not my homeee...
    And if a double decker bus crashes into us
    I'll die by your side...
    And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us
    I'll die by your side...
    I'll die by your side...
    Such a heavenly way to die
    Oh, there is a light, and it never goes out
    There is a light, and it never goes out
    There is a light, and it never goes out
    There is a light, and it never goes out
    There is a light, and it never goes out

    12:40 a. m.

    Anonymous Anónimo said...

    the meaning of life

    This is a question many people ask themselves at some point during their lives, most in the context "What is the purpose of life?" Here are some of the many potential answers to this perplexing question. The responses are shown to overlap in many ways but may be grouped into the following categories:

    8:59 a. m.

    Anonymous Anónimo said...

    [b]Toda la informacion que buscas sobre ganar dinero[/b]
    Nosotros hemos encontrado la mejor guia en internet de como ganar dinero internet. Como fue de interes para nosotros, tambien les puede ser de utilidad a ustedes. No son solo formas de ganar dinero con su pagina web, hay todo tipo de metodos de ganar dinero en internet...
    [b][url=][img][/img][/url]Te recomendamos entrar a [url=][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/b]

    9:42 a. m.


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